HS Relief Bit - English D Ring
Available in sizes from pony to heavy horse. The HS Relief Shanked Western Bit works each side of the bit independently. It has been designed with slightly tipped out purchase that will not rub the sides of the horse's face, and the mouthpiece has been curved more so as to reduce bar and tongue pressure even further. It is a vastly improved version with no pinch and a wrap around, not nutcracker action. Puts even pressure across the barrel on center of tongue and collapses just enough to wrap outer lip and bar. One of the main reasons, apart from the removal of the 'Nut Cracker Effect" of jointed mouth peices, why Horses prefer the new designs, is that they can manipulate the location of the Bit Sitting. (especially with the Roller Mouth Design) This aids in keeping the Bit away from the Main Nerve in the bars.